Welcome to the Owatonna, MN Branch of AAUW!

The Matilda Effect: Lost Women of Science

Tuesday, March 11, 2025, Social time 6:30 PM, Program 7:00 PM
Owatonna Arts Center

Why are women of science lost?  It may be because of the Matilda Effect, the historical bias against acknowledging the contributions and discoveries of women scientists.  Instead, those contributions and discoveries have often been overlooked or – even worse – credited to men.  Join us as Eileen Newhouse shares some examples of women’s important contributions to science and the belated efforts to give them their rightful place.

Eileen is a past President of AAUW Owatonna and currently serves as Vice President of Finance.  Over the years she has given a number of presentations to various groups about her travels and women of interest.  For example, she has shared stories about the Women of the Supreme Court and Forgotten First Ladies.

The Steele County Home Economics Association and the Owatonna Arts Center are joining us in hosting this event.  A $5 fee will be charged at the door, and all net proceeds will be donated to the Owatonna Arts Center.  The public is welcome, so invite your family, friend and neighbors.

Note: Tri-Branch Luncheon coming Saturday, April 12, 11:00 at Owatonna Arts Center.  You can sign up and pay your $30 at the March Program.


It’s time to pay our dues!

Dues for the coming year are:
$72 Association + $9 State + $10 Branch = $91 total.  Please send a check for $91 to Linda Boorman, 1250 Edgewood Place, Owatonna, MN 55060. Check payable to AAUW Owatonna Branch.  (deadline is June 30, 2024)

For the coming year $82 of your annual dues will be tax deductible.

Membership voting concluded and did NOT pass on AAUW Bylaws Change to open eligibility to remove degree requirements for membership.  Thanks to all who took the time to vote.  Per the AAUW Election page:

  • The open membership initiative did not pass. Changes to AAUW’s bylaws require 2/3 majority (66.6%) to pass. AAUW members voted 65.1% to approve the measure, just shy of passing.


Our officers for 2024-2025:
President:  Mary Schwanke
Co-Program VPs:  Mären DeLaitsch & Alana Bunkers
Membership VP:  Mary Overlee Olson
Secretary:  Sandi Tobin
Treasurer:  Linda Boorman
Co-AAUW Funds:  Trudy Severson & Shelly Rockman
Finance:  Eileen Newhouse
Visibility: Nancy Vaillancourt
Webmaster:  Linda Hoffman
Fundraising (Taste):  Mary Cronin & Linda Hoffman


Dues for the coming year are:
$72 Association + $9 State + $10 Branch = $91 total.  Please send a check for $91 to Linda Boorman, 1250 Edgewood Place, Owatonna, MN 55060. Check payable to AAUW Owatonna Branch.  (deadline is June 30, 2024)

For the coming year $79 of your annual dues will be tax deductible.


Here are the vendors who supported our 2024 Taste event.  

Be sure to thank them for their support – and support them!

    • Basilleo’s Pizza
    • Candullo’s Coffee
    • Confections by Karen
    • Costas
    • Mizuki Fusion
    • Old Town Bagels & Café
    • Owatonna Eagle’s
    • Owatonna Elk’s
    • Spare Time Entertainment
    • Steve’s Meat Market
    • Torey’s

Thanks to Thrivent Financial for supporting some of our Taste-related expenses in 2024.

Attendees gather at the Owatonna Eagles for Taste of Steele County, sampling a wide array of offerings from local businesses. (Josh LaFollette/southernminn.com)

Rachel Lee, of Steve’s Meat Market in Ellendale, serves up snacks at Taste of Steele County, an AAUW Owatonna fundraiser that supports scholarships for local women and girls. (Josh LaFollette/southernminn.com)

Jennifer Candullo, of Candullo’s Coffee, hands out samples at Taste of Steele County. Candullo’s Coffee was one of the new vendors at this year’s event. (Josh LaFollette/southernminn.com)

Cottage baker Karen Peterson shows off a tray of her cookies. Peterson, of Confections by Karen, also treated attendees to her candied jalapeños. (Josh LaFollette/southernminn.com)
