Membership is open to women and men who hold an associate degree or an equivalent degree, or a higher degree from an accredited institution. Those who are working on a degree may become student affiliates.
Dues Structure: (effective for the 2024-2025 year)
National | $72.00 |
State | $ 9.00 |
Branch | $10.00 |
Total | $91.00 |
Dues for the coming year are:
$72 Association + $9 State + $10 Branch = $91 total. Please send a check for $91 to Linda Boorman, 1250 Edgewood Place, Owatonna, MN 55060. Check payable to AAUW Owatonna Branch. (deadline is June 30, 2024)
For the coming year $82 of your annual dues will be tax deductible.
Dues for existing members are due by June 1st each year.
For more information on membership, contact our Membership Vice President:
Mary Overlee Olson
You can use this form to join our branch: AAUW Membership Form
Join on-line by clicking the link below: